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(Lawrenceville, Ga., June 18, 2024) – The Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners is considering keeping the general fund millage rate the same as last year, at 6.950 mills, and will hold three public hearings for residents to comment.

The public hearings will be held in the auditorium of the Gwinnett Justice and Administration Center located at 75 Langley Drive in Lawrenceville on the following dates:

  • Thursday, June 27 at 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.

  • Tuesday, July 16 at 11 a.m.

When the total digest of taxable property is prepared, Georgia law requires that a rollback millage rate be computed to produce the same total revenue on the current year’s digest that last year’s millage rate would have produced had no reassessments occurred.

For 2024, Gwinnett County’s rollback millage rate is calculated at 6.500 mills. The Board of Commissioners is considering a 2024 millage rate of 6.950, or 0.450 mills above the rollback millage rate. Therefore, state law requires commissioners to announce a property tax increase. Required notices for the millage rate adoption will be published in the Gwinnett Daily Post, the County’s legal organ, on Wednesday, June 19.

The Board of Commissioners adopted the 2024 budget assuming the current millage rate, not the calculated rollback rate. The revenue raised from property taxes will fund essential County services and needs that the Board approves.

“Each year when we propose a millage rate, we carefully consider our budget planning and service demands and determine a rate that will allow us to address emerging community needs while delivering the superior services our residents expect and deserve,” said Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners Chairwoman Nicole Love Hendrickson. “By maintaining this stable tax rate, we can maintain a stable government that supports well-being and quality of life for all Gwinnett residents, businesses and visitors.”

Commissioners will also consider millage rates for the County’s police, fire and emergency services, development and code enforcement, recreation and economic development funds.

In addition to holding public hearings, the Board of Commissioners is accepting online comments about the 2024 proposed millage rate. Residents can visit to access the comment form and provide feedback, making it convenient for everyone to have their say. The online comment period closes Monday, July 15 at 9 p.m.

Millage rates will be considered during the Board of Commissioners' regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, July 16 at 2 p.m.

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