Since 2001, SPLOST dollars have contributed millions of dollars for library projects in Gwinnett, paying for the development of new branches and renovations to existing branches. The Gwinnett County Public Library system is made up of 15 convenient locations around the county. For locations and hours, visit
2017 SPLOST Program: $20.2 million
Gwinnett County Public Library Snellville Branch
- Constructed in partnership with the city of Snellville’s new multiuse project on Wisteria Drive, The Grove
- Two-story structure of approximately 46,500 square feet, with the library on the first level and the city’s educational center on the second level
- Included is a 750 space parking deck, with the library using 128 of the spaces
- Features include library circulation space for children, juvenile, teens, and adults; a multipurpose room; maker space areas; and areas designated for computers
- Designed to achieve LEED certification
 New Snellville Library
2014 SPLOST Program: $10.4 Million
Duluth Library Branch Relocation
- The new branch will be approximately 22,000 square feet
- Includes a community room and larger areas for computer services, creative projects, and interactive programming and services
 Current Duluth Library Branch
Norcross Library Branch Relocation
- The new branch will be approximately 22,000 square feet
- Includes a community room and larger areas for computer services, creative projects, and interactive programming and services
Current Norcross Library Branch
2009 SPLOST Program: $10.3 million
Projects included:
Lilburn Library Relocation
- The relocation of the Lilburn Branch Library to a new facility near old town Lilburn will also include the city of Lilburn's new city hall
- The branch's larger size will allow for a significant increase in the computer and research/reading areas that are severely limited in the existing branch
- The facility will be designed and constructed to achieve at least a basic LEED certification with a focus on energy and water conservation

2005 SPLOST Program: $14.6 million
Projects included:
Five Forks Library Renovations
- Fixed sections of roof without gutters that coincide with areas where there were concerns of water getting into the building at below grade areas. Replaced down spout guards.
- Fixed several exterior light fixtures.
- The carpet in various locations such as the closet in the children’s story area and the area near the curtain wall were replaced.

2001 SPLOST Program: $12.4 million
Dacula Branch Library
Development of a 20,000-sq.-ft. library with equipment, furnishings, and materials.

Grayson Branch Library
Development of a 20,000-sq.-ft. library with equipment, furnishings, and materials.

Suwanee Branch Library
Development of a 20,000-sq.-ft. library with equipment, furnishings, and materials.
