Gwinnett Transit making changes
Gwinnett Transit making changes

Changes to express service
On the three express routes a total of six morning and eight evening trips are being cut. Even with operating fewer trips, the new 57-passenger express buses recently placed into service will provide customers with more daily seats than the 37-passenger buses previously offered. The new express schedules will be available in early November.
Changes to local service
All Saturday service on local fixed routes will be eliminated with the exception of Route 10. Route 50 service connecting Discover Mills to Mall of Georgia and Buford will be eliminated weekdays as well, while Route 10 will be extended to Discover Mills to serve the route segment from Gwinnett Place to Discover Mills previously provided by Route 50.
Local Routes 10, 20, and 30 will all cut some low ridership segments and add others to provide more direct service and better transfer opportunities. Route 40 will take different streets through Lawrenceville and Route 20 will be split into two routes. During low-volume evening and mid-day hours, service frequency on many routes will be reduced to between 60 and 75 minutes.
Paratransit service experiences no changes
These service reductions do not reduce in any way the service area or operating hours currently provided for the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) complementary paratransit service, which provides curb to curb bus service for eligible persons with disabilities who cannot use or access the regular bus service and includes Saturday service.
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