Public Meetings
Boards, Auth. and Committees
Gwinnett County Stormwater Authority
The Stormwater Authority was established in 2007 by local legislation. The Authority consists of seven (7) members who shall be resident freeholders of Gwinnett County and who shall either have scientific training or have demonstrated experience with stormwater issues.
- Five (5) members (members 1-5, inclusive) shall be selected at large and appointed by the Board of Commissioners
- Two (2) members (members 6-7) shall be nominated by the majority vote of a committee composed of the mayor of each incorporated municipality that has agreed for Gwinnett County to provide stormwater services within its boundaries and appointed by the Board of Commissioners
Members serve four-year terms.
View Notices, Agendas, and Minutes
Generally, meetings are held on the third Friday of the first month in each quarter at 2:00pm at the Gwinnett County Department of Water Resources, 684 Winder Highway, Lawrenceville, GA 30045. For detailed information on meetings, please click the blue button above.
- Resident freeholder of Gwinnett County and who shall either have scientific training or have demonstrated experience with stormwater issues.
- Each member of the Stormwater Authority shall, no later than March 31 of each year, submit to the Board of Commissioners of Gwinnett County a financial disclosure identical to that required of public officers bu Code section 21-5-50 of the O.C.G.A., as now or hereafter amended.
Responsibilities / Powers
- To acquire by purchase, lease, gift, or otherwise, and to hold, maintain, lease, operate and dispose of real and personal property of every kind and character for its corporate purposes
- To acquire in its own name by purchase, on such terms and conditions and in such manner as it may deem proper, real property, or rights or easements therein or franchises necessary or convenient for its corporate purposes, and to use the same so long as its corporate existence shall continue and to lease and make contracts with respect to the use of or to dispose of the same in any manner it deems to be to the best advantage of the Stormwater Authority
- To appoint, select and employ officers, agents, and employees, including engineering, architectural, and construction experts, fiscal agents, and attorneys, and fix their respective compensations
- To make and execute contracts, leases, and instruments that shall be necessary or convenient, including contracts for acquisition and construction of projects and leases of projects or contracts with respect to the use of projects that it causes to be constructed or acquired; and any and all persons, firms, and corporations, and the state and any and all political subdivisions, departments, institutions, or agencies of the state are authorized to enter into contracts, leases, or agreements with the storm-water authority upon such terms and for such purposes as they deem advisable; and, without limiting the generality of the above, authority is specifically granted to municipal corporations, counties, and other political subdivisions and to the storm-water authority to enter into contracts, lease agreements, or other undertakings relative to the furnishing of services and facilities by the storm-water authority to such municipal corporations, counties, and political subdivisions for a term not exceeding 50 years;
- To construct, erect, acquire, own, repair, remodel, maintain, add to, extend, improve, equip, operate and manage and maintain projects, as defined in the Stormwater Authority Act; the cost of any such project to be paid in whole or in part from the proceeds of revenue bonds or other funds and any grant from the United States of America or any agency or instrumentality thereof or from the State of Georgia or any agency or instrumentality thereof, or recognized as a non-profit entity in accordance with applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code
- To accept loans and grants of money or materials or property of any kind from the United States of America
- To accept loans and grants of money or materials or property of any kind from the State of Georgia
- To borrow money for any of its corporate purposes and to execute notes or other evidences of such indebtedness and to secure the same
- To issue negotiable revenue bonds payable solely from funds pledged for the purpose, and to provide for the payment of the same and for the rights of the holders thereof
- To exercise any power possessed by private corporations performing similar functions, including the power to incur short-term debt and approve, execute and deliver appropriate evidence of such indebtedness, provided that such power is not in conflict with the Constitution/laws of this state
- To issue revenue bonds or obligations pursuant to and in conformity with Article 3 of Chapter 82 of Title 36 O.C.G.A., the “Revenue Bond Law” and
- To do all things necessary or convenient to carry out the power expressly given in the Stormwater Act
Active Members
Appointed By | Position | Name | Representing | Term Expires |
District 1 Appointment | Vice Chairman | Rich Edinger | Seat 1 - District 1 | 12/31/2025 |
District 2 Appointment | Arvind Narayanan | Seat 2 - District 2 | 12/31/2028 | |
District 3 Appointment | Anita Atkinson | Seat 3 - District 3 | 12/31/2025 | |
District 4 Appointment | Louis Young Jr. | Seat 4 - District 4 | 12/31/2028 | |
Chairwoman's Appointment | Randy Strunk | Seat 5 - Chairwoman | 12/31/2025 | |
Municipality Appointment | Robert Scott | Seat 6 | 12/31/2028 | |
Municipality Appointment | Chairman | Scott Batterton | Seat 7 | 12/31/2025 |