Public Meetings
Development Advisory Committee
The Development Advisory Committee was established February 2, 1988 by County Resolution. On February 20, 2018, the Board of Commissioners approved an amended ordinance to reestablish a Development Advisory Committee whose goal is to increase community engagement, restructure, and provide an opportunity for a committee that is innovative with respect to ideas for revitalization, redevelopment and sustainable growth. The Committee consists of 19 members appointed by the Board of Commissioners.
- Members serve the Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners and Gwinnett County for such duration as said Board may desire
- The members of the Development Advisory Committee shall elect a Chairman, Vice Chairman, and other officers as the Committee may desire for terms determined by the Committee from their membership
View Notices, Agendas, and Minutes
Generally, meetings are held quarterly on the third Wednesday of the month at 12:00pm at the Gwinnett Justice and Administration Center - Conference Room C, 75 Langley Drive in Lawrenceville. For detailed information on meetings, please click the blue button above.
The Board of Commissioners seeks and considers nominations from the following organizations and groups:
- One representative per Chairwoman and each District Commissioner
- One member from the Gwinnett 101 Citizens Academy
- Representative from Gwinnett Council for Seniors
- Representative from Homeowner’s Association
- Representative from Community Improvement District
- Representative from Greater Atlanta Homebuilders Association
- Representative from Council for Quality Growth
- Representative from Gwinnett County Zoning Board of Appeals
- Representative from Municipal-Gwinnett County Planning Commission
- Representative from Gwinnett County Tree Advisory Committee
- Utility Company representative
- One registered professional representative
- One residential developer representative
- One non-residential developer representative
- One redevelopment developer representative
No active employee of Gwinnett County Government may be a member of the Development Advisory Committee.
- The Committee shall offer guidance to the Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners and shall review, and make recommendations for revisions to the land development requirements within the Gwinnett County Unified Development Ordinance. The Committee’s recommendation(s) to the Board shall be based on individual research, community group needs, and innovative design methodology.
- To advise the Department of Planning and Development (hereafter referred to as “the Department”) of statewide concepts and national best practices to revitalize target areas of unincorporated Gwinnett County to make the community safer, greener, and preferred by potential employers and identify abandoned properties, and prioritize areas for revitalization.
- To provide the Department with ideas for redevelopment opportunities with emphasis on corridor connectivity, land development activities, and areas of the County identified for redevelopment.
- To provide the Department with a full range of ideas centered on encouraging healthy lifestyles and offering high quality of life for all through, including but not limited to use of trees and landscaped areas, protected pedestrian and bike roadside pathways, shaded areas, seating, and gathering areas to promote community, fitness zones and other community spaces.
- To support and recommend sustainable practices to reduce the environmental footprint, restore natural resources, reduce impervious surfaces and promote alternative non-traditional development.
Appointed By | Position | Name | Representing | Term Expires |
Chairwoman's Appointment | Amy Bray | At the Pleasure of the Board | ||
District 1 Appointment | Louis Tseng | At the Pleasure of the Board | ||
District 2 Appointment | Vice Chairman | Jeffery Cleveland | At the Pleasure of the Board | |
District 3 Appointment | Michael Johnson | At the Pleasure of the Board | ||
District 4 Appointment | Nicola McIntyre | At the Pleasure of the Board | ||
BoC Appointment | Alyssa Davis | Community Improvement District | At the Pleasure of the Board | |
BoC Appointment | Joseph Santoro | Council for Quality Growth Representative | At the Pleasure of the Board | |
BoC Appointment | Derrick “D.A.” Williams | Gwinnett 101 Citizens Academy | At the Pleasure of the Board | |
BoC Appointment | Allen Mendenhall | Gwinnett Chapter, Home Builders Association of Metropolitan Atlanta | At the Pleasure of the Board | |
BoC Appointment | Marvin Aikerson | Gwinnett Council for Seniors | At the Pleasure of the Board | |
BoC Appointment | Vacant Position | Homeowner's Association | At the Pleasure of the Board | |
BoC Appointment | Imran Niazi | Municipal-Gwinnett Planning Commission | At the Pleasure of the Board | |
BoC Appointment | Colleen Frangos | Non-Residential Developer | At the Pleasure of the Board | |
BoC Appointment | Mike Lant | Re-Development Developer | At the Pleasure of the Board | |
BoC Appointment | John McHenry | Registered Professional | At the Pleasure of the Board | |
BoC Appointment | Chairman | Corbitt Woods | Residential Developer | At the Pleasure of the Board |
BoC Appointment | Carol Hassell | Tree Advisory Committee | At the Pleasure of the Board | |
BoC Appointment | William Edwards | Utility Company | At the Pleasure of the Board | |
BoC Appointment | Bess Walthour | Zoning Board of Appeals Representative | At the Pleasure of the Board |