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C.O.P.S. stands for Community Oriented Police Service and is Gwinnett County’s Neighborhood Watch program.
STEP #3: Sign placement
Once step two has been completed, C.O.P.S. signs are placed at each entrance to the community
How to join the C.O.P.S. :
STEP #1: Fill out the C.O.P.S. application form
Only one application form needs to be completed for the community. Each household must also complete a survey form. Please email PDCommunityAffairs@GwinnettCounty.com to request the survey form.
STEP #2: Complete the three startup meetings
There are three startup meetings that need to be completed in order to be part of the C.O.P.S. program.
- The first meeting is a 1-hour presentation that explains the purpose of C.O.P.S. and the benefits the program provides.
- The second meeting explains the roles and responsibilities of each participant within the program.
- The third meeting shares crime prevention tips, tools, and reduction strategies for the community.
STEP #3: Sign placement
Once step two has been completed, C.O.P.S. signs are placed at each entrance to the community
Annual Requirements for C.O.P.S.:
For every calendar year, each C.O.P.S. community must complete the following two requirements to keep an active status as a C.O.P.S. community:
- Have a minimum of one meeting with the Crime Prevention Officer.
- Attend two outreach events, like the Public Fall Festival or Coffee with a Cop.
If you have further questions or are ready to schedule a meeting, please reach out to PDCommunityAffairs@GwinnettCounty.com. Thank you for your interest in C.O.P.S.!